Which hair oil is good for hair?
Hair oil application is one of the important steps in the hair care. A regular massage for your hair with some beneficial hair oils that suit your hair type is necessary for hair health. There are many different hair oils in the market which markets its own benefits for hair care. Thus sometimes choosing right hair oil becomes often confusing. The following listed below hair oils will help to keep your hair healthy and lustrous.
Lavender oil
It is a popular oil for hair growth. It has been proved that application of lavender oil on regular basis has a significant effect on the growth of hair.
Jajoba oil
This hair oil can be used if your hair type is dry.
It will help to moisturize your dry hair when applied on regular basis. It can also be used before shampooing your hair to get a tangle free soft hair.
Olive oil
Olive oil when applied on regular basis helps to strengthen your hair and improve the hair quality.
This is because it helps to reduce the stress and also provide elasticity to your hair.
Castor oil
Commonly used for hair growth. However this oil is very sticky so it can also be used in combination with other hair oils like coconut oil or almond oil for best results.
Almond oil
Almond benefits are immense. Almond oil helps to repair and strengthen your hair.
There are some oils you can prepare at home by combining 2 different oils or other ingredients. One of the good recipes of hair oil for lustrous hair is - mix few camphor balls in 200 ml of coconut oil, add a handful of hibiscus leaves and boil this oil for 20-30 minutes. Cool, strain and store in a bottle for use.
Argan Oil
You have probably heard about the many great things about Argan Oil. It has been currently termed as the Miracle Oil since it has a lot of benefits when it comes to beauty and health.
This oil is being extracted from the Argan fruit through crushing its fruit and squishing the fruit. This oil is currently replacing a lot of natural oils and other products when it comes to hair treatment and protection.
This product is currently in demand because of the many benefits that it has however the supply is limited. A person will be able to benefit a lot from this oil since it can help make your hair look good and your skin as well.
Hair Treatment and Protection
It was mentioned above that this product is in demand because of the many beauty benefits that you can acquire for your hair.
Many experts all over the world call this product as the “liquid gold” since it can give a new life to the dry and fly away hair.
Below are the common and obvious effects of Argan Oil on the human hair.
- The argan oil is able to help hydrate the hair in a natural way. It is able to stop the fly away of hair, the curliness and also the roughness of the hair in a natural and efficient way.
- The argan oil is also able to penetrate the pores of the hair follicles and shaft and thus is able to enhance the elasticity of the hair. With this penetration, it is also able to help in the nourishing of the hair.
- The argan oil is also famous for treating damaged hair by being able to help in controlling unmanageable hair.
- The argan oil contains a lot of natural anti-oxidants that will help strengthen the weakened hair strands.
- The argan oil is also a good natural source of Vitamin E thus it is chosen by many experts to treat damaged hair. Some hair experts also use argan oil incorporated in many hair treatment products.
- The vitamin E found in argan oil is also very helpful in treating and repairing damaged hair strands that are due to the effects of environmental factors such as the sun’s rays and pollution.
You can also use argan oil to add shine to your hair and is able to restore the natural luster and beautiful shine of your hair.
If you had a color treatment on your hair, applying this product will help you remove the brittleness of the hair and restore its natural smoothness.
For those who love to treat and have their hair styled very often, this product will definitely help in the repair and restoration of damaged hair due to styling.
This argan oil is also rich in omega 3 and 9 fatty acids that will help in the healing of split ends.
Now, i am using pure argan oil. It has a lot of benefits for my skin and hair. I am really satisfied with this product.Arganrain is the best brand which is %100 pure one.