My hair was extremely thick and long. I had been growing it out for years (it grows extremely slow) and finally reached my goal length (at my belly button). I got compliments on it daily and it gave me so much confidence.
The hairdresser cut my hair so uneven when I had only asked for a trim, I had to cut at least 12 inches off to just above my armpit. I also asked for subtle face framing highlights, and came out with white streaks on my virgin/never dyed hair. I then had to dye my hair dark to fix it.
I was so devastated and overwhelmed, especially because I'm obsessed with fashion, hair, and beauty. So my hair started to fall out. And not a little, a lot. I loose fistfulls of hair everyday. I look in the mirror and hate what I see. I've stumbled into a deep depression, and haven't been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I obsess over my hair everyday, and can't seem to find happiness in anything. It's odd, I was such a happy person, and now I hardly want to wake up in the morning or leave the house.
If you've dealt with stress related hair loss, how long did it last? How did you cope with it?
I've been taking vitamins, trying to exercise more, scalp massages, drinking water, went to the doctor as well. I've spent hours researching but in desperate need of hope.
I would appreciate any suggestions or encouraging words, I'm really at a low point, and this has changed my entire life for the worse. I've lost sight of who I am, and have no confidence anymore.
All thought, good and bad, is creative and tends to lead to a material thing. That is why we must learn to be more positive. The environment and all the experiences in life are the result of habitual and predominant thoughts.
Negative thoughts can tell us about something that needs attention. So, thoughts lead to discovering what needs to be done, and one can think positively or negatively to take care of it. Many people fail to see a negative occurrence as a learning experience and continue to feel victimized and helpless, ultimately blaming others for what they drew to themselves.
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Look for a bright side in every situation. We will find that there are surprising benefits within them. If we do this long enough, it will become habitual, and it will make a tremendous difference in improving our positive thinking skills. Say "I can!" more than "I can't!" Remember, everything can be framed positively; make a relentless effort to do so.
Even when we don't get what we want, we gain valuable experience. Experiences are often much more valuable than material things. Material things slowly waste away; experiences stay with us, growing, our entire lives.
There are both positive and negative aspects to most situations. We get to choose which ones we will focus on. We can try to catch ourselves when we're being negative and try thinking the opposite.
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FOR HAIR theres this mixture for hair:
-1 egg
-ARGAN oil
-sesame oil
-a little milk
-a little sugar
- hazelnut oil
- brennessel tonic (boiled dried brennessel leaves)
mix them,and apply to your hair. wait for at least 2 hours and wash your hair with ARGANRAIN shampoo DO NOT USE HAIR CONDITIONER.
Do this 3-4 times a week. I had extreme hair loss in the past,no medicine or hair lotion provided permanent solution. I used only these natural materials and my hair loss problem has disappeared! I havent had any serious hair loss since 2 years.I recommend using to you :)
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