I'm trying to find the best natural or any product best to stop my hair from falling i've have hair loss since the best hair care product starting getting my period and it been getting thin i need help :(! I don't want to wear a wig or any of those stuff i want my hair back.
There seem to be as many treatments available for hair loss nowadays as the number of people suffering from it. Hundreds of products claiming to cure hair loss as well as help in the growth of new hair are available in the markets. So how do you choose the best from what is available? Hair loss surgery is a sure fire way to treat hair loss. The different kinds of surgeries include Hair Transplantation, Scalp Reduction, Flap Surgery, and Tissue Expansion. But these should only be used as a last resort and for extensive hair loss.Other hair loss treatments depend on the cause for hair loss.
For me, the best one is Arganrain products

I have an oily hair, is it problem for using this product?
YanıtlaSilNo, it is not problem you can use for all of hair type Melinda
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